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Your health, for life

"With over a stone of excess baggage,

my cravings and my love of Magnum Ice cream- I was attached!

I sleep so well now and love the new me!"

                                  -Jackie, Photographer




What exactly are you waiting for?


View some of the many amazing transformation testimonials here. Most of them began just like you, watching the testimonials of other people before taking action, booking a consultation and now happy to give a testimonial of their own! Don’t delay, call or email TODAY! 



Rachel, 23

Lost 1.2 stones in under three weeks while on the Lifestyle Change Program


Claudine, 42



Claudine was determined to achieve her goals of greater health, more energy and improved hair and skin.  



















Paulette, 43

Diagnosed with Crohn's Disease

Or Ulcerative Colitis, a severe, debilitating incurable disease. Formerly on numerous medications for over 10 years, she is now totally restored, medication free and living a healthy new vibrant life. 










Ebony, 23

Lost over a stone and 

exchanged acne for beautiful glowing skin and has totally transformed her diet and lifestyle. 










Jackie, 55

Jackie overcame IBS and other health issues while on the program. She lost over a stone in weight and conquered her addiction to sweet foods.










Ken, 54

Ken got his blood pressure under control, his blood sugar down to normal and lost a stone in weight while on the 30 day program. 

Once you join GO Juice! Detox, you access our community Receive tips, support and encouragement through

your whole journey



"I was depressed, waking up late and feeling very unmotivated and very tired before I decided to book an appointment to see Erran. I had my scan which revealed a lot about my body that I didn’t expect to see, but it all made perfect sense. He kept re-assuring me that everything that came up was all reversible so I started the program immediately as I also wanted to lose some weight. I lost 8lbs in the first week and just kept losing more every week without even going to the gym! I was so happy!"    

                      -Rachel, Retail Manager




"Doing this program has really helped me to get my health on track. I’m not a bad eater or have a particularly poor diet, but what I’ve learned on this program has greatly improved my ability to eat more healthily and maintain my skin and hair. The weight loss was an added bonus that I was pleasantly surprised to experience, especially as it happened so quickly and without effort. My children have also benefitted as my new regime has sparked a ‘healthy’ new curiosity. They all just want to juice now and look as radiant as mummy! ;)" 

        -Claudine, Motivational Speaker






"I was literally sick and tired of being sick and tired! All my organs were breaking down from my liver to my lungs and everything in between. All the medication I was taking seemed to be making me progressively worse.  Meeting Erran and doing his Lifestyle Change Program was such a God send. I never thought I would ever be able to feel as good as I feel now! I’m so grateful for the program, the patience, support and genuine care I received while getting my health and my life back."   

                            -Paulette, Teacher




"I was quite worried when I first saw the results of my scan, as I was only 23 but had so many things wrong with me. I was keen to fix everything so didn’t waste any time in getting started on the program. The difference was very noticeable right from the first week, as I felt all the impurities being cleansed out of my body. I felt so much lighter with much much more energy! Since finishing the program my skin has never glowed so much and the compliments just keep flooding in. I’m much more confident and feel so so happy!"  

                    - Ebony, Trainee teacher



"I knew things weren’t 100% right inside me but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. When I did the scan I was not surprised to see so many issues flag up around my bowels, stomach and liver. Erran kept assuring me that everything was reversible so I didn’t become overly worried. My IBS is now gone, along with a stone of excess baggage, my cravings and my love of Magnum Ice cream! I sleep so well now and will never look back!"

                       -Jackie, Photographer




"I had stopped taking my medication, was feeling really sluggish and constantly tired, but desperately wanted to get my diabetes and blood pressure under control, via natural methods. A friend recommended me to see Erran so I booked an appointment and had my scan at the Bromley office. He didn’t have the 2nd office in Thornton Heath yet otherwise I would’ve happily gone there.  I have since completed the program and lost a stone in weight, brought my blood pressure right down, got my diabetes under control plus I’m no longer tired all the time anymore! I am so glad I know longer have to keep running to the toilet every time I eat something. The lifestyle change program has really changed my life!"

                            -Ken, Civil Servant.

Wendy...Weight Loss

Lose 10lbs in 9 Days With The GO Juice Detox Reboot

Wendy desperately wanted to shift some weight quickly for a performance she had coming up with some high profile artists from the US. She launched feet first into the Detox Challenge Weight Loss Max program and shed almost a stone in under two weeks!

Wendy..The Power of H20

The Power Of Water To Maintain Weight Loss and Glowing Skin 

Wendy lost 10lbs in 9 days on the Reboot Weight Loss Max Program. She soon realised the importance of maintaining your water intake to keep the fat and toxins from building up in your system and your skin.

Shreen...Stroke Survivor x2

Lost 1.5 Stone With GO Juice Detox Reboot Program. 

Shreen suffered two strokes by the age of 27. Fearful for her health and her diet, that was getting progressively worse, she decided to take affirmative action. Her GO Juice! Detox Reboot experience helped her to lose 1.5 stones, change her diet and improve her lifestyle for good! 

Andrea...Life Transformed

Lose Weight, Remove Cellulite

and Achieve Great Looking Skin

Andrea wanted a program that could address her personal health problems and provide practical solutions she could both understand and easily apply. The program helped her to lose weight, address her cellulite issue and improve her skin! 


‘I was heavily addicted to chocolate, sweets, crisps and fudge. Basically anything sweet was my guilty pleasure. I could literally tell you 100 ways to eat every type of chocolate cake or sweet sugary food. I was a total ‘Sugar Junky’. Doing the GO Juice Detox Program helped me to overcome my addiction as I now only crave healthy food and am totally and completely off the sweets. I never realised that changing your diet could make you feel like this. Its an amazing feeling, I feel so empowered. Thank you so much Go Juice Detox. Erran you are a truly wonderful person!"

        -Paulette, Teacher

...Overcoming sugar cravings


Crohn’s sufferer, Paulette describes her narrow escape from

the deep clutches of bitter sweet misery, courtesy

of GO Juice! Detox Lifestyle Change Program.

Nothing short of a divine miracle!  



We found clients with addictions to interesting foods such as ‘Red Velvet Cake’, ‘Haribos’ ‘Crisps’, ‘Chocolate’, ‘Magnum Ice Cream’, Pizza and many more - had totally conquered the urge or uncontroll-able desire to consume those sweet or savoury foods.


It was amazing but refreshing to see that, not only did they no longer desire them, they were all able to actively resist them and even refuse them when offered! This was something they would have found nigh impossible prior to beginning the program. All I could say was WOW! God is good!

          -The Juice Doctor,        Nutritional Therapist


...Overcoming Junk Food


We invited several former clients to bring their ‘Guilty Pleasure’ or a food item they could not resist, walk past in the supermarket or do without, prior to starting the program.

The results were simply amazing!!  


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